Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Organisation analysis

Organisation analysis INTRODUCTION I personally feel that I already possessed some basic knowledge required in analysing and gathering information about an organisation. In the past while I was preparing myself for the campus recruitment programmes during my bachelors, I did a similar kind of research in order to get an idea beforehand about the companies and their market values that I was applying for. What I liked the most about this module is that in the initial three weeks we were just taught about the various principles and frameworks that underlie in analysing an organisation and its only in the last couple of weeks that we were provided with hands on experience in implementing the learnt techniques. LESSONS LEARNED I really felt it new and great to interact with the employees while conducting the surveys among them. In the later part when we were not granted the permission to conduct the surveys, I founded it pretty difficult but learnt quite a lot about the issues that are faced while conducting them under the shades. Though the questionnaires were straight forward and the employees did not have much difficulty in filling them, the major setback was with the interviews that I had with some of them. I had to reframe almost all of our questions in such a way that it does not eats up much of the employees time and also to make it easy for them to come out with specific answers. STAGES OF ANALYSIS Our group was assigned with the Warwick Food and Drink Department for our analysis. The Food and Drink department was found to be offering many services like the cafes, restaurants, bars and food deliveries across the university. Hence we figured out that we need to put in a lot of effort and time in order to furnish our findings. As instructed by our course coordinator we choose a member of our team as the group representative, who was responsible for interacting with the manager. The very first day we begin our analysis, we decided and made our group representative to mail and book an appointment with the manager of that department. Luckily to our surprise, we got an early appointment for the meeting from the manager. Since time was lacking for us to analyse about each and every service offered by the department, we all brainstormed and decided on some of the major and bigger services to analyse. Initially many of my team members decided to conduct their analyses on services that catered to only to a small amount of people owing to the lack of time, but later I somehow struggled and convinced them to opt in for some of the bigger service areas. I was of the notion that by understanding the work structure in these bigger service areas, we could get a clear view of the organisation as a whole. We then framed the questions that we were to ask the manager during the interview. Many of us came up with different kind of questions and after much aberration we zeroed on some of the basic questions. Again in this phase I faced quite some difficulties in convincing my team members. Though there are many instances one of t hem being the question about the Safety Measures that are being undertaken in the department. Since our analysis was about the Food and Drinks, I felt the need to consider about the safety measures being taken in order to guarantee the quality of food that are served to the customers, whereas my team members felt that it is awkward to shoot this question to the manager of that department. Though many were not happy I somehow convinced my group representative to incorporate it to the list of other questions. But later to everyones surprise, it was for this question that the manager gave utmost importance and also spent quite a lot of time on answering it. Though when compared to the other groups we got an early appointment from the manager and also had an interview with her, we could not extort as much of the needed information from it. But we figured out that motivation was ought to be an important factor that was missing in that department, which in turn led us to understand deeper into the facts that the grading system and feedback from the managers about the performance of their employees were also lacking. Owing to our lack of time, we took motivation as the preceding factor and decided to dig out as much information we could from it. We framed some more questions based on motivation and tried to schedule another interview with the manager, but our appointment was refused. Later we prepared a questionnaire (owing to the fact that their workplaces were busy always) containing questions about the employees motivation, their job satisfaction, etc. and we decided to hand it over to just a minimal number of employees in each of the services on which we were concentrating our analysis. Again when we tried to get permission from the manager to give out these questionnaires, she readily disagreed to it. Hence we almost felt like we were totally lost in the middle of nowhere. Later we decided to conduct the interviews and give out the questionnaires to some of the employees, whom we personally knew. Though what we did was out of the rules since the manager did not wanted and did not knew about this, we had no other options left. Since we were mainly concentrating on the factors like the motivation, grading system, feedback and the performance evaluation, our interviews and the questionnaires were narrowed down onto these fields and I almost succeeded in extracting the required information from the 8 surveys that I conducted. After completing the surveys our entire group sat together and brainstormed about the answers that we obtained. After much aberration we zeroed down on some of the common issues that needed to be taken care of in the department, which we made sure came up in line with those factors that we planned to consider after our initial interview with the manager. Though I planned to address the issues like leadership and teamwork persisting in the department, it could not be done owing to the lack of co-operation from the upper management. THEORIES INVOLVED I made use of the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs in order to depict the various and basic needs of the employees. To my surprise its only the full time employees who were satisfying their whole range of needs whereas the part time employees were concerned only about their basic needs. From my analysis I figured out that it was mainly owing to the current recession that the employees were tending to ignore their higher level needs. We also made use of the Adams Equity Theory and McClellands Acquired Needs Theory in order to understand and relate the issues about the employees workplaces and the relationship among their co-workers, from the data we acquired from them. After disseminating as much of the acquired information among our team members, we headed our way to prepare for the presentation and the final report. Since the report was just a one page document, it is the presentation which made us to put in some extra efforts. We decided to showcase in the presentation, the exact information or to be more specific the exact wordings which we obtained from the employees during our interview with them. AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT If I were to undergo the whole life cycle and come out with a much more efficient analysis strategy, then I would take care of the following issues. Firstly, I would try getting as much information as possible from my initial interview with the manager. Since in the beginning we were of the notion that we would have at least 2-3 meetings with the manager, we shelved some of the questions for our later interviews which owing to our bad luck did not happen. So it is always better to get all the required data at that instant rather than waiting for chances. Secondly, we were almost waiting about a week for a reply from the manager pertaining to our second meeting. Hence the next time instead of just waiting during that period I would straight away start conducting my surveys whenever possible. Since time is an important factor which we need to consider, I would take precise care of it. CONCLUSION The organisation analysis module gave me a wider view of what analysis is all about. I learnt that analysis is just about reporting our findings and not arriving at judgements for the same. It also gave me an edge on how to practically implement the models and frameworks in the real world scenarios. I personally feel that if a person is able to analyse something immense and external to him, would surely be able to analyse and learn about him to a great extent by incorporating the same techniques. Hence this module has not only aided me to grow professionally but also personally. REFERENCES 1. Carrell, M.R., Dittrich, J.E. (1978). Equity Theory: The Recent Literature, Methodological Considerations, and New Directions. 2. Maslow A.H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation, Psychological Review 3. McClelland, D. C. (1975). Power: The inner experience, New York: Irvington.

Monday, January 20, 2020

An Analysis of Araby in James Joyces Dubliners :: Joyce Dubliners Araby Essays

An Analysis of Araby      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are many statements in the story "Araby" that are both surprising and puzzling.   The statement that perhaps gives us the most insight into the narrator's thoughts and feelings is found at the end of the story.   "Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger. (32)"   By breaking this statement into small pieces and key words, we can see it as a summation of the story's major themes.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At this point in the story, many emotions are swirling about in the narrator's head.   His trip to the bazaar has been largely unsuccessful.   He was late arriving, was unable to find a gift for Mangan's sister, felt scorned by the merchants, and suddenly found himself in a dark room.   These surroundings left him feeling both derided, and with a sense that this eagerly anticipated trip had been in vain.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many other situations caused him to feel driven and derided by vanity.   His reflections of the "charitable" life of the priest who occupied the narrator's house before the narrator make us wonder if the priest led a life of vanity.   His early obsession with Mangan's sister now seems in vain.   "I had never spoken to her ... and yet her name was like a summons to my foolish blood. (4)"   He feels ashamed and ridiculed by his earlier inability to communicate with Mangan's sister.   He sees how distracted he was by his anticipation of the bazaar.   He recalls that he " had hardly any patience with the serious work of life. (12)"   The narrator is embarrassed by the time he had wasted, and the ease with which he became distracted.   The near total worthlessness of the bazaar at the time the narrator arrives is an extreme example of vanity.   Not only does the narrator feel ridiculed by the vanity involved in this situation, he also feels driven by it.   The simple conversation he carries on with Mangan's sister regarding the bazaar drives him to direct all his thoughts toward the glory that will be the bazaar.   A sort of irony can be found in the fact that something that he devoted all his "waking and sleeping thoughts"

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Personal Healthy Living Plan

Personal Healthy Living Plan 1. Feb. 19. 2013| Food Eaten| How much Eaten| Breakfast| Milk| 1 cup| Lunch | Salmon Lettace Sandwich | 1 Normal sized Sandwich | Dinner| RiceBeefTomatoesEggs| 1 bowl Few slicesAround 1 whole tomato | Snacks| Candy| 2 piece | Feb. 20. 2013| Food Eaten| How much Eaten| Breakfast| Soy Milk| 1 cup| Lunch | Cup noodle| 1 Serving | Dinner| FruitsCreme SoupSpaghetti | 2 Whole Oranges | Snacks| Chips | 70g bag of Chips | Feb. 21. 2013| Food Eaten| How much Eaten| Breakfast| Water| 1 cup |Lunch | RiceChickenRadish| 1/2 a bowlFew piece 3-4 piece | Dinner| Chow Mein -Carrots-beef-lettace-mushroomsSteamed FishFruit| 1. 5 bowl 1 Orange | Snacks| Candy | 6 piece. | Physical Activities: Job Around the neighborhood every Mon, Wed, and Fri; depends on the weather. 4. Notes of Canada’s good guide -Eat at least one dark green and one serving vegetable each day -Choose vegetables and fruit prepared with little or no added fat, sugar or salt. -Have meat alternatives s uch as beans, lentils and tofu often – Consume at least two servings of fish each week -Use vegetable oil such as canola, olive and soybean Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day -Have real Fruits and vegetables Compare your eating habits with the recommendations found in Canada’s Food guide. Base on what the food guide says, what menu changes, if any, would you make to the meals you ate over the three days you tracked and that you eat in general? Why? Compared to my eating habits for the past three days, to the eating baits with the recommendations found in Canada’s Food guide, it seems like my habit is a little off from being healthy. I should eat a little more for breakfast, and sometime more healthier during lunch.I might try adding oatmeal and toasts to my breakfast meal, and provide more fruits and vegetables for lunch. After these small changes, I think I eat pretty healthy since I usually eat at least 1-2 servings of rice, noodles , vegetables, and meat for dinner. For the past 3 days, I ate multiply of candies. It contains a lot of sugar and if I continue on eating candies every day, it will affect my health. Regular Exercise Routines 1. Explain what exercise routines youa re currently involved in. Hwo do these connect to the completeion of your daily physical activity (DPA) requirement? 2.What are someof these challenges you personally encounter as you develop or maintain a regular habit of exercise? 3. What benefits does a regular exercise provide you personally? 1. For daily physical acitivity requirement, we must document and report a minimum of 150 per week fo physical activity. The exercises that I involved in are the same as my DPA requirement. I play badminton with my friends every weekend and I job around the neighbood at least once a week. 2. I had a hard time maintaining a regular habit of exercising, due to the weather 3. A regular exercise can improve my mood and help my sleeping schedule.It wil l also benefit my health by exercising regularly. It also increase the opportunity in finding a better job and creating a better future. Emotional Health Management 1. What does it mean to be emotional healthy? 2. Visit the Canadian Mental Health website and read about stress. Take the stress test and record your scoare. 3. How do you positively manage your emotions when you get uncomfortable with them? Give 2 real life example of this and describe any techniques/strategies you used to help you during these times. 1. Emotional health means the degree to which you feel secure, stable and relax in everyday life.Living a happy life is what makes us worth living. 2. I got 10 score for the stress test. 3. When I get uncomfortable stress, I talk to my friends and family. In certain degree of stress I do varieties of things, including shopping, gaming and movie night. Talking out with my friends helps me relief my stress and other activities allows me to keep my mind off of being unhappy. Positive Health Choices 1. Ive decided to include more vegetables and fruits in my diet, as I lack greens in my diet. It is important so I can have a healthier body. As for exercise, I’ve decided to go to the oval more often to work out.This will make me more fit and it will also help me improve my lever of proactively as exercise help clear mindsets, improve stress management, and make a person more positive. As for emotional health I intend to trust my problems with my current friends and families. 2. Fortunately, I do not consume any illicit drugs or alcohol, and I do not have any plans in the future to do so either. Alcohol will only do harm to my body. It does not only affect my health, it will also affect my family as well. If I were to be in a relationship or any that involves with my sexual health, I would gladly to say no to them; for I am too young.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Human Resources Recruitment - 2739 Words

Attracting top talent to an organization has never been more difficult, are the words of senior recruiter Hamish Davidson of Veredus Executive Resourcing chairman who has more than 18 years experience. Well developed leadership skills, the ability to shift attitudes and behaviors, the capacity to exert effective influence and work through others, the talent for successful partnership working and, most importantly, having the potential to adapt quickly to internal and external change, and to get that change owned and embedded in an organization. These are the core competencies sought by organizations the world over, regardless of sector, industry, specialism, background or level. Because there is a relatively small pool of talent with†¦show more content†¦www.hrcouncil.ca External recruitment involves staffing outside of the organisation. This search can take place in local, regional or international labour markets, depending on numbers, skills, competencies and experiences required, the potential financial costs involved and the perceived benefits involved to the organisation concerned. (Holden: Claydon 2004) Print advertisements are the method where the job is posted in a newspaper or professional journal for public viewing. One condition that must be considered with print advertisements is that they will impact on a number of applicants so it should be presented in a general tone. Its advantage is that it can reach a large audience in a specific area and its disadvantage is that the ad may receive a significant number of applications from unqualified candidates. www.hrcouncil.ca Also, to attract applications a company should attend career fairs and presentations. This caters mainly to soon to be graduates who are more likely to be unclear of their next step in the path of career choice and will be fresh off the press, thus easily moulded to fit the organisation. Presentation of a company, its aims and objectives are prepared to appeal to the interests of this group. RECRUITMENT PROCESS This is the actual procedure in which organisations embark on to recruit candidates. Departments may useShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Planning Recruitment7002 Words   |  29 PagesHuman Resource Planning Recruitment Chapter Summary This chapter describes the process an organization uses to plan and recruit so that there will be adequate human resources. 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