Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Academic Benefits of a Structured Classroom Environment Essay

The Academic Benefits of a Structured Classroom Environment - Essay Example This helps in avoiding confusion due to miscommunication, thus increasing academic productivity. Some tried and tested methods in building structure in the classroom to increase academic success are: 3. Having realistic consequences for the student's actions that are consistently and firmly enforced inspires them to make better choices. The inherent lesson is to teach students that they can control life consequences by controlling their behavior. 4. Establishing clear cut expectations and directions .Students function better when they know what is expected from them. Probability of completion of assignments increases when precise directions are given for completing every assignment and when students know exactly how the teacher will be assessing their projects. 5. Giving constant feedbacks during large tasks and break-up of large tasks into smaller manageable ones increases success rate for completion especially with young children.( Zeiger,volume2, number2). With a million definitions and explanations in research books and web sites of what is meant by structure in a classroom ,one can safely conclude that it might not mean the sa

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fossil Fuels and Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Fossil Fuels and Global Warming Essay The use of fossil fuels as the primary source of energy has unwittingly landed humanity into its greatest challenge yet. As oil and coal are burnt up, the greenhouse gases are causing the melting of polar ice, leading to a chain reaction that threatens every other aspect of the ecosystem. This paper looks at the crisis that fossil fuels have brought about, as well exploring existent and proposed solutions, both at the collective and the individual level. Introduction Global warming technically refers to the overall rise in global temperatures. Its widespread use however also encompasses the courses of this rise in temperatures and the effects thereof. More importantly, it is synonymous with the role of human beings’ activity in contributing to these rises. Carbon emissions from planes, cars and industrial plants rise up into the atmosphere and create a blanket of heavy air that traps heat that radiates onto the earth’s surface. By not letting heat escape, over time the globe becomes warmer. This has a direct effect on the flow of ocean currents, directly responsible for weather patterns. It also causes the melting of polar ice, which besides also affecting climate, also causes the sea levels to rise. (Guggenheim D Gore Albert, 2006). Effects of Global Warming Some critics are skeptical of the whole notion of global warming. Despite this criticism, it has grabbed the attention of masses, and they are increasingly examining its effects. The following is a brief insight; Agriculture is fundamental to life, as it is the source of food. Without food, human beings are at risk of extinction, and conflicts are bound to arise. Yet global warming is threatening agriculture. Due to climate change, the environments where bees and other creatures vital to pollination are used to dwelling in are no longer suitable, and the bees are disappearing in droves. More than that, rainfall and sunshine patterns are changing, rendering farmlands unsuitable for the crops that are used to growing there normally. The combined effect is that agricultural yields are negatively affected, and there arises a shortage in overall supply of food worldwide. In early 2008, with the human race hungrier, food prices rose to their highest levels ever, and inflation in many countries became unprecedented. This trend came to a head at the beginning of 2008, with riots and revolts in numerous countries. In the Philippines, soldiers were deployed to guard food crop farms from being raided. Haitians on their part overthrew their government in protest over untenable food costs. It is also here that people were reduced to eating mud, if only to fill up their stomachs. Similar scenarios were reported in Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and a good number of Asian emerging economies. Global warming is not the only factor in bringing about food shortage, but it does play a major role, and has come to the attention of masses around the globe that are willing to act to mitigate the negative effects (Auken, 2008). Another set of negative effect that has been tied to global warming are the now prevalent natural disasters pounding various parts of the world. Hurricanes that have brought devastation to New Orleans, Mexico and more recently Jamaica over the past few seasons have been the worst in recorded history. They have been attributed to rises in sea level resulting from glacial melts owing to global warming. They have brought unprecedented destruction, forcing many coastal cities to adopt new strategies to combat such events. Billions of dollars are now being invested in disaster prevention, and are resulting in an increase in taxation. Similar amounts are being invested in reconstruction efforts to restore damaged infrastructure. Housing models are being radically changed, with cheaper housing being favored to cut losses in case of any eventualities. Prevalent Solutions Such tools as carbon footprints and green qualifications are now being employed to influence the conduct of the common person to contribute toward reducing their personal negative impact on the globe; consumers in Europe and America are increasingly becoming conscious to purchase food with minimal carbon footprints for example. Carbon footprints refer to the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the process of developing a product from scratch to the point where it gets to the consumer. In effect, products which use plenty of machinery to produce and have to be transported by heavily fuel reliant means such as planes and trucks have much higher carbon footprints than those that are produced using minimal fossil energy and are close to the market. Labels indicating the carbon footprint are put on products by organizations who take the initiative, in a bid to persuade consumers to buy the least destructive products. And the method seems to be working. In Europe especially, consumers are increasingly cutting on their contributions environmental degradation and products with high carbon footprints and finding increasingly limited market. Closely related is the issue of organic foods. These are gaining preference for the reason that they are produced using only natural material, rather than chemicals that are hazardous to human beings and detrimental to the environment. The level to which a product is free of chemical toxicity is referred to as its organic rating, just like carbon footprints are used to depict the level of carbon emissions of a product. Publications and other forms of media are used by proactive organizations to sensitize the public on which products are environmentally friendly, and these do have a major influence on consumer choices. The result is that farmers serving the European markets are using increasingly less machinery and chemicals, thereby reducing the emissions and chemical pollution of the agricultural industry to the environment. Manufacturers also have to adapt to a new way of production- with their carbon footprints being closely monitored, they are increasingly adjusting their production processes to get favorable ratings (Organic Trade Association, 2008). My Solution Proposal In the fight against global warming, I believe efforts should now be geared toward experiments on entirely new lifestyles and forms of organization, with successful experiments being replicated across the globe. In my case, I propose an experiment with a new eco city, preferably in an arid area, at a waterfront (e. g. a lake) for sustainability of life. This will kill quite a few birds with one stone, as the problems of food insecurity, unsustainable energy and wasted land would all be addressed. Implementation In designing such an urban development, cutting edge technology and radical thinking are required at every step of the way. Ecological urban planning concepts are necessary to take advantage of the lake breeze, which can be harnessed for wind energy to cater for a significant part of the new city’s energy requirements. The city plan should also allow for the breeze to penetrate the streets and residential areas rather than block it. When this is done, ecological architecture can be employed in designing self-cooling buildings, which have the advantage of not only saving on air conditioning. This is desirable because it both saves on energy and preserves the environment, seeing as most air conditioners are environmentally harmful. The urban plan also needs to take care of existing ecosystems – if there are any streams, trees or wildlife habitations, the city and building designs should be made around them. Buildings will need to be fitted with solar panels to take advantage of the abundant sun in arid lands, thus further adding to the energy supply provided by wind. Wherever possible, buildings should have green roofing. This is where gardens are made on top of roofs for purposes of food, beautification and more. This will have a number of advantages; food will be more abundant, a cool microclimate will be created (further reducing the need for air conditioning), and the carbon footprint will be drastically reduced or eliminated. The buildings can also be constructed with double walls using recycled material (for sustainability). Double walls have the effect of keeping temperatures low when it’s hot outside and warm when it’s cold outside. Stretches of idle land just outside the city can be used to plant ecologically friendly biofuel crops such as Jatropha Carcus, which is drought-resistant, to complete whatever energy requirements that may remain. Being at the lakefront, clean water for most chores might prove a challenge to get, thus the need to preserve and recycle whatever water can be harnessed. One of the ways to do this is by use of a Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP), which filters sewerage to produce water for irrigation and gas for cooking. This way, other clean sources of water can be less burdened. Energy needs will also be met. Gardens and parks should be organic to reduce the amount of fertilizer and chemical pesticides necessary to maintain them. Sustaining the Gains All the outlined gains of an eco-city would be to naught if the residents do not sustain them. Residents should be encouraged to carpool when going to work, or better still to cycle to work to minimize the carbon footprint. As much as possible, recycled material should be used and other material should be recycled. The use of plastic bags should be banned, instead encouraging the use of bio-degradable baskets. For lighting, energy-saving fluorescent bulbs and tubes should be used. Each home should have a garden in its compound, with at least a tree or two. The gardens, for domestic food consumption, should be grown organically. The beach area should be kept clean, with no littering or dumping of chemicals or effluent into the lake. This will help preserve marine life and overall aesthetic beauty. If such a city can be constructed, myriad gains will have been made; Positive Environmental Impact The immediate impact of all the new vegetation – the green roofs, home gardens, biofuel crops, etc – would be the creation of a cool microclimate in the developed area. Being in front of a lake, the arid land as it currently is cannot benefit because all the moisture being brought in by the breeze either evaporates or travels long distances inland, benefiting other areas with vegetation. With the new vegetation however, the moisture would be trapped, and as the plants perspire, vapor would rise into the local sky, thereby creating rain at that local level. The overall reduced heat levels would also slow down evaporation rates, ensuring that the soil remains moist, helped also by the increased rain. Naturally, more rain is bound to increase vegetation cover, further enhancing the value of the land and creating a positive cycle. Positive Impact on Soil As the vegetation grows and dies, the soil would be enriched organically as the foliage decomposes, increasing its productivity. This happens when the decomposed foliage turns into humus, and mixes with the local sand. This has the effect of bonding the soil together while creating an acceptable level of drainage and porosity within it. If the soil is further enriched with the waste products of the STP process, the overall composition of the soil will become highly favorable to agriculture. It would also be conducive for worms and other soil organisms to grow, which in turn further enrich the soil with vital nutrients. Positive Economic Impact Another area of profound impact will be economic; from the time of construction right through to the establishment of offices and residences, employment opportunities will abound for both locals and immigrants. The eco-friendliness of the area will also attract investment a lot of which these days is conscientious – thus spurring growth. Being at the lakefront, the city is also highly likely to attract considerable international tourism as tourists seek clean and new areas to escape from winter or simply to unwind. At the same time, the marine fishing industry is bound to experience a boost from the clean fishing areas, with ready market locally provided by residents within the new city. They may even be able to export, depending on other factors. At the domestic level, people will be able to grow food and reduce their household budget. They may even be able to sell some of it and generate income – the city can be a net exporter of food. Conclusion Global warming has blessed the world with a lot to ponder upon. With effects ranging from food shortage to natural catastrophes, mitigation should not be a question of whether, but how and when. Coupled with this is the need for newer energy sources, to reduce the globe’s dependency on fossil fuels. With concerted efforts and due diligence, the problems that these two factors portend can be contained to an extent. I propose an experiment with an eco city built on a waterfront as a means of studying how human beings can adopt a top down approach to addressing these pressing issues. I believe the gains to be made will not just be environmental but economic as well. Works Cited Associated press, June 20th 2007, Fossil fuels Tycoon plans largest wind farm- green machines- MSNBC. com, Retrieved 12th Feb 2009. , http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/19231397 Auken, B. V, 15th April 2008, Amid mounting food crisis, governments fear revolution of the hungry, Retrieved 11th Sep, 2008, http://www. wsws. org/articles/2008/apr2008/food-a15. shtml The British Council (no date). Effects of Global Warming: Social Impact-Climate Change. Retrieved 12th Feb 2009. http://www. britishcouncil. org/climatechange-fact-sheets-global-warming-social-impact. htm Green Africa Foundation, 2008, Retrieved 12th Feb 2009, http://greenafricafoundation. org Guggenheim D, Gore Albert, 2006. An Inconvenient Truth (Film) Organic Trade Association (2008). NOSB Definition of Organic. Retrieved 12th Feb 2009. http://www. ota. com/standards/nosb/definition. html United States Environmental Protection Agency, Heat Island Effect. Retrieved 12th Feb 2009. http://www. epa. gov/heatisland/

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Media Campaigns in the SUV Debate :: Essays Papers

Media Campaigns in the SUV Debate The American consuming public has a long history of imposing patriotic consumption decisions upon the marketplace. They may be small things, like choosing to consume â€Å"freedom† fries over french fries or looking for the â€Å"Made in USA† label on products, or they may be forceful actions, like revolutionary era boycotts of British tea or holding foreign food and drug products to American standards. Recent anti-SUV campaigns have grown out of this legacy of consumption protest. The Detroit Project is at the forefront of promoting anti-SUV sentiment to a mass audience. The Detroit Project is an effort of the AFEC (Americans for Fuel Efficient Cars), which is self-described: â€Å"AFEC is a nonprofit group dedicated to decreasing America’s reliance on foreign oil.† The mission of the Detroit Project is: â€Å"to mount a citizens’ ad campaign aimed at getting people to stop driving SUVs and other gas-guzzling vehicles – and jolting our leaders into taking action.† To meet these goals the Detroit Project has produced and aired two tv spots that suggest that operating an SUV provides funds to terrorist groups. The ads are patterned after ads put out by the Bush administration that imply that funding illegal drug-dealing provides money that ends up in the hands of terrorists. The script of the first Detroit Project ad reads: "I helped hijack an airplane. I helped blow up a nightclub. So what if it gets 11 miles to the gallon. I gave money to a terrorist training camp in a foreign country. It makes me feel safe. I helped our enemies develop weapons of mass destruction. What if I need to go off-road? Everyone has one. I helped teach kids around the world to hate America. I like to sit up high. I sent our soldiers off to war. Everyone has one. My life, my SUV. I don't even know how many miles it gets to the gallon." WHAT IS YOUR SUV DOING TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY? DETROIT, AMERICA NEEDS HYBRID CARS NOW. The script of the second ad reads: "This is George. This is the gas that George bought for his SUV. This is the oil company executive that sold the gas that George bought for his SUV. These are the countries where the executive bought the oil, that made the gas that George bought for his SUV. Media Campaigns in the SUV Debate :: Essays Papers Media Campaigns in the SUV Debate The American consuming public has a long history of imposing patriotic consumption decisions upon the marketplace. They may be small things, like choosing to consume â€Å"freedom† fries over french fries or looking for the â€Å"Made in USA† label on products, or they may be forceful actions, like revolutionary era boycotts of British tea or holding foreign food and drug products to American standards. Recent anti-SUV campaigns have grown out of this legacy of consumption protest. The Detroit Project is at the forefront of promoting anti-SUV sentiment to a mass audience. The Detroit Project is an effort of the AFEC (Americans for Fuel Efficient Cars), which is self-described: â€Å"AFEC is a nonprofit group dedicated to decreasing America’s reliance on foreign oil.† The mission of the Detroit Project is: â€Å"to mount a citizens’ ad campaign aimed at getting people to stop driving SUVs and other gas-guzzling vehicles – and jolting our leaders into taking action.† To meet these goals the Detroit Project has produced and aired two tv spots that suggest that operating an SUV provides funds to terrorist groups. The ads are patterned after ads put out by the Bush administration that imply that funding illegal drug-dealing provides money that ends up in the hands of terrorists. The script of the first Detroit Project ad reads: "I helped hijack an airplane. I helped blow up a nightclub. So what if it gets 11 miles to the gallon. I gave money to a terrorist training camp in a foreign country. It makes me feel safe. I helped our enemies develop weapons of mass destruction. What if I need to go off-road? Everyone has one. I helped teach kids around the world to hate America. I like to sit up high. I sent our soldiers off to war. Everyone has one. My life, my SUV. I don't even know how many miles it gets to the gallon." WHAT IS YOUR SUV DOING TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY? DETROIT, AMERICA NEEDS HYBRID CARS NOW. The script of the second ad reads: "This is George. This is the gas that George bought for his SUV. This is the oil company executive that sold the gas that George bought for his SUV. These are the countries where the executive bought the oil, that made the gas that George bought for his SUV.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Opportunities and Challenges UKOLN: Supporting the Cultural Heritage Sector Why The Interest In Facebook? Facebook has generated much interest over recent months. Much of the interest has arisen since Facebook announced the Facebook Platform [1] which enabled third party developers to build applications which could be used within the Facebook environment. Since Facebook was developed initially to support students it is not surprising that student usage has proved so popular.This interest has also spread to ther sectors within institutions, with researchers and members of staff exploring Facebook possibilities. What Can Be Done Within Facebook? Social networks such as Facebook can provide a range of benefits to members of an organisation: Connections with peers: The main function of Facebook is to provide connections between people with similar interests. Friends can then send messages to each other (either closed messages or open for others to read). Groups: Facebook users can set up discussion group areas, which can be used by people with interests in the topic of the group.Creation of details of events, which allows users to sign up to, is another popular use of Facebook. Sharing resources: Many of the popular Facebook applications are used for sharing resources. Some of these replicate (or provide an interface to) popular social sharing services (such as Flickr and YouTube) while other applications provide services such as sharing interests in films, books, etc. An environment for other applications: The opening of the Facebook Platform has allowed developers to provide access to a range of applications.ArtShare [2], for xample, provides access to arts resources from within Facebook. Web presence: Although originally designed for use by individuals since November 2007 Facebook can be used as a Web hosting service for an organisational page. It should also be noted that organisational pages in Facebook were redesigned in 2009 so that they more closely resembl e personal pages [3]. Organisational pages are now also able to share status updates. Facebook: Opportunities and Challenges users can set up discussion group areas, which can be used by people witn interests share Status Updates.What Are The Challenges? Reservations about use of Facebook in an institutional context include: Privacy: There are real concerns related to users' privacy. This will include both short term issues (embarrassing photos being uploaded) and longer term issues (reuse of content in many years time). Ownership: The Facebook terms and conditions allow Facebook to exploit content for commercial purposes. Misuse of social space: Users may not wish to share their social space with other colleagues, especially when there may be hierarchical relationships.Liability: Who will be liable if illegal content or copyrighted aterials are uploaded to Facebook? Who is liable if the service is not accessible to users with disabilities? Sustainability and Interoperability: How s ustainable is the service? Can it provide mission-critical services? Can data be exported for reuse in other systems? Resources: The cost implications in developing services for the Facebook platform. Institutional Responses To Such Challenges How should institutions respond to the potential opportunities provided by Facebook and the challenges which its use may entail?The two extreme positions would be to ither embrace Facebook, encouraging its use by members of the institution and porting services to the environment or to ban its use, possibly by blocking access by the institutions firewall. A more sensible approach might be to develop policies based on: Risk assessment and risk management: Analysing potential dangers and making plans for such contingencies. User education: Developing information literacy / staff development plans to ensure users are aware of the implications of use of Facebook, and the techniques for managing the environment (e. g. privacy settings).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Khan Academy

With the Khan-Academy systematics, I feel that it is actually a tool that helps many others like myself who may be attending math classes in school. As a child in elementary school, the Internet program helped me start filling the â€Å"Swiss cheese† gaps Khan talked about. The â€Å"Swiss cheese† gaps, are the things people didn’t learn while they were in math classes, where the teacher simply did not go into great detail of explaining. The way the gaps began to be filled, was that it actually challenged me to a greater potential that I thought could not be achieved.In fact many others in my class treated the program as a game in a good way, as on the Internet program one wins a copious amount of prizes in which we used to brag to each other on. To win prizes they may consist of answering a specific amount of questions or becoming persistent at working with Khan-Academy. Something the program has definitely made up is the intolerable position in which unfit teac hers put there students into. The math teachers usually do not help enough or teach only one way, and this is the full reason on why some student actually end up failing their classes.With Khan-Academy some how the student that ended up failing their math classes, now have grades like the visually impaired gifted ones, which also may show how poorly the teachers may have taught their students. Another good point Khan made happen to be the interactions that started to make place amongst the student of classes, in which the ones that did not understand the lessons could know get taught by other students that may have had a full understanding of whatever the problem or problems were.A way the Khan-Academy is assuring that the help that is given is accurate, is that within the program itself it has a way a keeping track who is excelling, and who may not be. Either way one may take the program, it benefits everyone in a various amount of ways and has been a major help in classes across A merica by helping student who did not excel in math class before.